Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Calvin & Otis

This story will be written in parts, and is inspired by my friend Matt who is the only person I know that really likes the animals described within.

Calvin & Otis - Chapter 1 - First Contact

One day Calvin was wandering aimlessly around his cage. There was a food dish, a water bottle, a wheel and part of a wrapping paper tube that he had grown too fat for. He was bored. Bored, bored, bored. Calvin's owner doesn't pay much attention to him anymore. His owner is a fifteen year old girl who had been given the guinea pig as a birthday present, but after a few months she became bored with Calvin and hardly found the time to clean his cage.
Calvin paced his cage for hours, looking for something to do. He ran on his wheel for a while, but quickly became exhausted. Listless, he picked through his stale food for the freshest bits. The late afternoon sun beamed in the window near his cage, and he soaked up the warm. Half asleep, he heard a scratch coming from the window.

Calvin ignored it.

Again there was a scratch. And a tap.

Calvin continued to snooze.


Calvin slowly rolled over and saw a pair of eyes looking through the window at him. Calvin tipped his head with curiosity. The eyes belonged to a very scrawny, dirty looking guinea pig. Calvin wondered how there was a wild guinea pig in Iowa. The little guinea pig had successfully climbed onto the outside window sill and was now trying to open the window. After an extreme amount of strain, the wild piggy had managed to open the window about a quarter inch.

"Hi!" the newcomer panted, trying to catch his breath.

"Um, hello." responded Calvin.

"I couldn't help but notice you stuck in here," the outsider had caught his breath. "I'll be back in the morning to help you escape! Tonight when your cage is opened, try to wedge a wood chip in the latch."

"Who are you? And why should I come with you, you look like you haven't eaten in days?" Inquired Calvin.

"The name's Otis. And no, I haven't eaten in a while, but I'm on my way to Maximus."

"And who is Maximus?" asked a skeptical Calvin.

"No time to talk now, your owner just got home, but the legend of Maximus tells of an owner who loves and cares for his guinea pigs like children!" Otis said excitedly, as he closed the window and scampered off.

Coming soon: Chapter 2 - The Escape