Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The beginning . . .

I have been thinking about blogging for a while. However, I don't write in a terribly entertaining fashion, so I've been putting it off until I thought of something to write about. I'll start with an explanation of the title, which is really meant to be funny. I am married to the most wonderful woman ever, Clare, and she of course is the captain of our household. I was a very close second until August 2007 when Myla and Nessa made their furry feline entrance into our lives. In an instant, I was demoted to Fourth in Command.

Anyway, what I have decided to do with this blog is to attempt to reclaim my lost ability to spin a story. I once could sit and tell a never ending story about anything. So in addition to the normal stuff about my life, I will be posting short (or long) stories meant mostly to exercise my creativity and possibly entertain a few people.

So, for now I'll leave it at that. If I haven't bored you already check back in a day or two to see my first story!

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