Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shopping in Boston

So . . . sometimes I feel a little sheepish to share this, but one of the things I look forward to in Boston is shopping. And not just food shopping, although the cheese, seafood, and deli selection is amazing. I mean clothes. Even the stores we have here in Iowa like Old Navy or in Minneapolis like H&M or Macys are different there. It's easier to find clothes that fit, it's easier to find styles that not everyone else has. I'm just excited. Downtown Crossing, Cambridgeside, and maybe even Newbury Street. I need shorts & pants. Clothes that aren't too small in one place and mammoth in another.

In addition, I'm hoping to get some unique items. Things I cannot get in the Kansas City, Minneapolis, Chicago circle. Very ready to hit up Quincy Market, North End, Newbury Street, Prudential Center in order to find whatever special items & gifts I might find.

Then the only obstacle is the NWA bagagge fee . . .

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